Happy Catholic wife of 24 years, mom of nine, granny to one. And if that is not enough children, I teach kindergarten. When it comes to my heart, there is always room for one more!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
It's Here!
He was talking about angels when most little ones his age are talking about Elmo and Big Bird.
Today is his day. Jesus will be resting in his precious heart.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Luck of the Polish!

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Positively Postive

Friday, May 22, 2009
My Hard Workin Hubby

No, my husband is not Bill Cosby. You will find out why I have his picture up in a second. Stay with me and enjoy the ride!!
My hubby Dave and I are going to be celebrating our 20th anniversary by going to NYC for 6 days. Officially our anniversary was April 29th. My husband has been planning this trip for months. I know he has all kinds of tricks and surprises up his sleeve. I may never come back. Well, okay, I have to because of my little ones, but it will be hard.
Yesterday my husband called my to tell me he scored us two tickets to the David Letterman show. I am not a huge fan of Letterman, but hey, we will be in New York and wow, it's the David Letterman show. My darling husband had his choice of two nights and when he found out who David's guests were on Monday, he chose Monday.
I don't know how the man pulled this one off, but the guest is Bill Cosby. Now you have to know something about me. I am an unashamed, total freak over the Cosby Show. This past Christmas I received the complete dvd set of the Cosby Show. I have seen some of the episodes literally hundreds of times. I can repeat the dialogue. I LOVE Bill Cosby. I saw him do his act once here in Buffalo, we sat in the second row, and I had tears in my eyes because we were so close to him. I love how he talks about family and marriage in funny and positive ways. Normal every day happenings. And NOT ONE SWEAR WORD!!! He was so funny that night, Dave and I never stopped laughing.
So when Dave told me over the phone who would be there, I cried. Yes, I did. What a vacation we will have. As if 6 days and nights alone with my hubby, wining and dining in NYC isn't enough, he has so many fun things planned for us. I am so excited!
I tell you, I have the best hubby. I don't know if he slipped the guy at Letterman a $20 or what, but I am thrilled. There will be other posts in the future about our trip, something for my followers to look forward to.
And let's all pray for my blogger friend Lerin, who as we speak is bringing in precious new life in this world. God bless you and the new little one!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Oops, I did it again

Stay with me here people. I mean, a baby elephant doesn't trample on things on purpose. It just happens. They are walking around, trying to get to the watering hole, and some poor daisy gets smooshed on the way. The elephant wasn't trying to do that. It just happened. Oops, I did it again.
That was me today. Every time I turned around I realized that I had just made things worse, without really trying. I think I hit every significant person in my life today, with the exception of an aunt and a few cousins. Aaaargh. That is my word to describe today. Aaaargh.
Can I blame it on fatigue? Can I blame it on stress? Can I blame it on menopause? Heck yeah. But the bottom line is, sometimes we all have "one of those days". I should have seen it coming. I have been helping people, and yesterday I went to Adoration, evening prayer and Mass. Even did my chaplet during the three o'clock hour.
As my spiritual mama always says, "No good deed goes unscorned." The devil made me pay, and pay and pay today.
Monday, May 18, 2009
I've Got New Followers, and Other Ramblings..

I also have a place in my heart for converts. I became involved with the RCIA program at the mission. We have many people who come to our mission seeking food and shelter, and they find that and God. I love watching people who are on fire not only with love for God, but for the Catholic Church. I learn so much from them because they do not take this for granted. We cradle Catholics just sometimes tow the line and go along without stopping to really study our faith. My most favorite thing is when we take our candidates to the Chrism Mass and just watch their faces as they take it all in. And I take a deep breath and smell the incense, and think about how we as Catholics are rich in history, tradition and faith. This is truly the Church that Jesus began. We have saints and theologians, century after century who have stood up for our beliefs, who did not allow them to be watered down. The truth cannot be watered down. Our converts come, because they have found the truth.
So welcome to my two new followers. Thank you for joining me in my musings. I am not a theologian, just a simple mom who loves her church passionately. I love my God that way too. He is my all, my everything. Glad we have met on our journey back to Him. We need to help each other. We may be strangers in this world, but we are brothers and sisters in the next.
Welcome my sisters in Christ!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
A Child in a Cast.......
Monday, May 4, 2009
A Real Role Model