Monday, September 28, 2009

I need to blog!

So a couple of weeks ago I went to the movies with my two oldest daughters and my husband. We saw the movie Julie and Julia and it was pretty good. Unfortunately my hubby did some research and we found out that the real Julie is a liberal jerk with a filthy mouth and it totally ruined it for me, but I did get something good out of it.

I have decided to do something for myself. And that something is to blog everyday. Even if it is only three measly lines. Or maybe even three measly words. Still, no matter how tired, starting today, I am going to try and write something every single day for a whole year. For myself.

Because I love to write. Really, really love to write. When I was a little girl, the nuns would punish are whole class and make us write 100 word essays. Everyone hated me. Because I loved to write. My stories, essays, call them what you will always were more than 100 words long. I mean, come on, there was so much to say, and anyone who knows me knows that I can't have a conversation only a hundred words long, much less write something that short.

And it didn't matter what the lame topic was, I could always make it interesting. Because I had and still do have, a huge imagination. I grew up in a family where children should be seen and not heard, and then they would drag us to the most boring places. So I had to amuse myself in my mind, and I became quite good at it. To this day, on car trips, if we are passing through small towns, I look at all the houses and imagine people's lives. I especially love it at night when you can see a cozy light on, or the flashes of a tv through the front window.

My husband told me I needed to find something for just me. An outlet. I have alot of stress right now. I have so many responsibilities, as mom, wife, missionary. Things are getting crazy and I will write more about that.

But for now, today is day one of my new adventure. Come along for the ride. If you dare.


  1. As Cecilia would say: "woo-hooooo!" Looking forward to it.

  2. You go girl! (you took MY advice?!? Scary...)

  3. Looking forward to reading more from you!

    I think we're of the same spirit. I'm also a writing lover, and always have had a great imagination. My parents have told me that I was the easiest baby/toddler on long car rides, I would just stare out the window and not make a peep. And I too love going through towns and wondering what it's like to be other people. Or to run off and live alone in the woods as we're passing a bunch of trees. :)

  4. Allison, I love your new lay out on your blog. I haven't caught up with your blog in awhile, but we also have the love of autumn in common. It is my very favorite time of year. The cool crisp air, the smells. Everything! And I am not sad to see summer go either. I love sweater weather. Thanks for checking on me. God bless you and congratulations!!!!!!!!!! to you and Steve.

  5. you seem like me. i love to write as well. i took it literally when my creative writing teacher in school said to be a great writer you have to write everyday. at least one line of creative thought. i have been trying since. some days i miss but i do try.
