Penny's funeral yesterday was so beautiful. The church was full and it was just so wonderful to see all the lives she touched through the years.
Today I feel a bit empty. It's weird. When you concentrate on one thing for weeks at a time and then it's gone. Just so strange. Some moments I feel like a fish out of water.
It doesn't help that the dryer still isn't fixed. And it looks like my hubby's car has pretty bad issues.
Our days have been long. Sometimes I feel like I am on a ride that doesn't stop and I am going nowhere! And everything I touch breaks on it!!!!!
I was hoping for a snow day tomorrow. Maybe catch up on a few things. But I forget. We live in Buffalo. Not even snow days go the way you want here!!!
Fasting from my computer again tomorrow. Be back on Saturday hopefully! God willing.
Friday. I will be offering it all up!
Dear Michelle, please count on my prayers!